VetSet2Go was a collaborative, multi-national project that set out to define the capabilities most important for employability and success in the veterinary profession, and create assessment tools and resources to build these capabilities.
This project endeavoured to make a distinctive contribution to the rapidly‐evolving field of employability, hitherto unexplored in the veterinary context despite looming large as a pressing concern.
The focus on employability led to a focus beyond initial employment and graduate competency towards sustained success in the profession, regardless of the context. We aimed to make the capabilities that contribute to employability more explicit in education, to help students better prepare for the challenges they may encounter in transition to practice. Using the employability construct also provided greater clarity, priority and effective feedback on the veterinary graduate capabilities that most influence employment and professional success.
Phase 1 synthesized a wide body of existing and commissioned research to inform an inaugural veterinary employability forum, and distilled a veterinary employability framework solidly grounded in both evidence and multi‐stakeholder consensus.
Phase 2 validated a multisource assessment approach that embeds and scaffolds these employability capabilities, and developed assessment tools and resources to build these capabilities.